Partner Marketing Attribution

Partner Marketing Attribution offers
unprecedented insight on the performance
of local marketing spend.

SproutLoud’s Partner Marketing Attribution uses lead tracking through web forms and end-to-end call tracking powered by artificial intelligence. This enables brands to tie local demand generation — for a region, partner tier or individual channel partner — to specific ad campaigns, marketing tactics, brand messaging and/or creative. Then, the investment in local marketing can be focused on what works.

How it Works


One platform for all local marketing.

SproutLoud consolidates all local marketing activity within its comprehensive Distributed Marketing Platform, including ad building, funding marketing campaigns, managing local ads and last-mile campaign execution.


Data ties marketing spend to in-market dates.

By tying dollars spent to in-market dates on every local campaign, from Facebook ads to paid search ads to direct mail and local media buys, you can see when and where your marketing dollars are being spent.


Call scoring powered by artificial intelligence.

End-to-end call tracking, powered by artificial intelligence, uses speech recognition to automatically categorize, evaluate or dismiss calls based on parameters pre-set by the brand to determine relevance.


Analytics reports enhanced with DIY marketing data filters.

SproutLoud’s easy-to-navigate marketing analytics dashboards display data based on pre-set dynamic reporting tags, marketing spend and in-market dates. The DIY marketing data filters give you control to analyze dynamic reporting with a unique level of granularity, so dashboards and reports only reveal the most relevant data.


Secure permissioning for analytics dashboards and reports.

Give access to your regional marketing managers, sales managers or individual partners to see only the data that’s relevant to them. For example, give partners permission to only view their own data, or provide sales managers access to only data from their own respective regions.


Support partners and train sales staff.

SproutLoud’s Partner Marketing Attribution and call-scoring capabilities allow brands to support partners and train sales staff. With artificial intelligence and dynamic reporting tags, it’s fast and simple to separate lead-generating calls from unsuccessful or irrelevant calls. This makes it easy to zero in on top-performing sales conversations that can be used to train partners and sales staff.

Learn more about The Performance of Local Marketing Spend

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