SproutLoud Wins Local Visionary Award for Giving Co-Op Partners Optimal Marketing Insight

SUNRISE, Fla., Feb. 1, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — SproutLoud, the recognized leader in Through-Channel Marketing Automation, won Street Fight Magazine’s Local Visionary Award for Most Effective Integration with an External API at the Street Fight Summit West in Los Angeles on January 30.
“This honor is particularly meaningful to us at SproutLoud, because we’re passionate about Small Business,” said Gary Ritkes, President of SproutLoud. “This was a significant breakthrough in marketing automation, and it empowers Local Business Owners with high-level, sophisticated local marketing insight that was previously reserved for large corporations.”
Many local businesses today pour money into marketing without knowing which tactics have an impact on sales. Call-tracking technology can offer much-needed insight, but the truth is that Local Business Owners don’t have the time or resources to create performance reporting on local marketing campaigns.
SproutLoud met this challenge head-on by developing a way for Local Business Owners to easily order call-tracking numbers in real time while building customized local ads. Using innovative “tags,” Local Retailers receive performance metrics across every local marketing tactic they launch. Retailers can measure response rates, answer rates and call scoring — all from a single SaaS dashboard. Now, Local Business Owners can make data-driven decisions to improve local marketing ROI with the same precision as their Big Box competitors.
“This award confirms SproutLoud’s core belief – give Local Partners world-class marketing tools, and they will beat their competition,” said Jared Shusterman, CEO of SproutLoud.