I’ve Segmented My Data, Now What?
Once you’ve segmented your database, you need to create a strategy to market to each of your segments. Regardless of how you segmented them (purchasing behavior, need, etc.), each segment requires its own marketing and sales strategy. Take into account not only the materials you need to tailor to each segment but what media channels you will use to get your message to your segments. Don’t forget – you’ll also need to know how you’ll measure and report on your campaign’s performance.
Determine objectives and testing plans so that you can refine your campaign messaging before, during (email and social) and after execution. For Example: Sarah and Joe shop differently, so it doesn’t make sense to send them the same email newsletter. Instead, craft two that speak to their different needs. Sarah may be interested in weekly sales, however, Joe forgets about your company until the holidays roll around. It doesn’t matter how many emails you send him, he’s not going to buy.
Segmenting also allows you to treat first-time customers differently than you do everyone else to increase your chances of getting that second sale. You can even segment emails down to particular product types. If Sarah has a history of purchasing a certain type of jeans, you may want to let her know when her favorite label has a new line released. You should also take your segments into account when dealing with customer service issues. Do this by assigning ROI to each customer type. Once you know the profit margin for each group, you’re able to make smarter decisions when assigning time and resources. If Joe and Sarah both have a customer service issue and you only have the resources to fix one, who’s going to bring you the most ROI?
Knowing who your customers are, what motivates them to buy and ROI in earning that sale, puts you in a better spot to market more effectively and customize what you’re putting out. When you get to know customers on a more personal level, it becomes easier to spot what will and will not work when talking to them.