Are You Using the Right Data to Track Local Marketing Performance?
There’s one key piece of data that makes all the difference in how brands track and attribute the performance of local marketing through their reseller networks: in-market dates.
Here’s why in-market dates matter so much. “In-market” refers to the time span of a marketing campaign or activity, from beginning to end. When you connect that data point to local marketing performance on your marketing analytics dashboard, that means you can identify when leads are converting and the results-driving messaging that led them to convert. So, how does this work?
It’s about flipping the typical way of doing things on its head. When marketing spend is tracked, it’s typically tied to a marketing campaign on the date that it is paid. And that could be days, weeks or months before the campaign actually runs. So, there’s a disconnect between money spent and the actual results of what those funds are spent to achieve. By changing the “paid by” date to the in-market date for local marketing campaigns, you’ve suddenly infused the data with more meaning and relevance to your local marketing goals. SproutLoud’s partner marketing attribution model solves for this by delivering meaningful insight and measurable results on local marketing campaigns that Enterprise companies run through their reseller networks, by highlighting:
- In-market dates
- Cost attribution
- Conversion attribution
Enterprise brands need visibility on how their reseller partners spend Co-Op Advertising dollars: what kinds of ads are they running, and when are those local marketing campaigns in market? By connecting this information with local marketing performance data for each marketing campaign, Enterprise brands have access to better, more relevant insight. Better data means they can make more informed decisions about allocating marketing budgets and fine-tuning local marketing strategy for next quarter and next year. In-market dates provide a key piece of data on local marketing performance success that can connect the dots between specific calls to action and conversions – whether it involves long-term digital ad campaigns or one-time direct mail orders.
Now, let’s take a look at the cost attribution feature, which brings us back to the idea that typical campaigns tend to be tied to payment dates. SproutLoud’s distributed marketing automation platform can connect the cost of the marketing campaign with corresponding brand assets and in-market dates, even if the payment is processed days, weeks or months prior to the launch of a particular marketing activity.
In terms of conversion attribution, local reseller partners can reference in-market dates on marketing campaigns and local ads to attribute calls, web leads, and in-store visits.
This tends to be particularly helpful when different marketing campaigns are used by the same reseller partner. This means brands and their partners can easily identify which ads and which messaging resonated with local customers and which did not. If a channel partner runs paid search ads for a few months, then switches to Facebook ads, SproutLoud’s omnichannel platform can measure local marketing performance on a per-campaign basis and accurately attribute leads, calls and other results to the correct ads.
Having relevant, timely and accurate data, helps brands plan, strategize and allocate Co-Op Marketing funds for quarterly and annual brand-to-local marketing campaigns. SproutLoud’s partner marketing attribution model is a game-changer for Enterprise companies and their channel partners that want to increase brand awareness, and drive more leads, traffic and sales in local markets.